The Blind Contour Exercise
A six-minute video demonstration of the time-honored and still very helpful blind contour exercise.

Looking at Blind Contour Drawings
The semiblind exercise is a technique of using the blind contour exercise to produce presentable drawings. Practicing it will help you bring your line to life, develop n eight-minute video in which the instructor discusses the blind contour drawings the students have made.

The Semiblind Contour Exercise
Semiblind contour drawing is a method of using the blind contour exercise to create a presentable drawing. This nine-minute video demonstrates the exercise and shows students practicing it.

The Three-Value Exercise
An eleven-minute video demonstration of three-value drawing, with a running commentary. The three-value exercise is a simplified form of value drawing, in which the picture is reduced to areas of black, gray and white.

Gesture Drawing With a Sumi Brush
A gesture drawing is a quick rendering of the balance and implied movement of the model's pose. Gesture drawings can be created using a variety of drawing media, but a sumi brush is a particularly useful tool for learning how to do it. This fourteen-minute video demonstrates how to create a set of gesture drawings using a sumi brush, and shows students practicing the exercise.

Introduction to the Figure-Ground Relationship
In life drawing, the figure-ground relationship is the set of techniques used to integrate the figure into the picture plane. This five-minute video demonstrates how to use contrast reversal and negative space to create a dialogue between the figure and its adjacent forms.